Sentiment Analysis
In today's world the constant news streams continually changes an investor knowledge and understanding of the market and influences investor sentiment. Recent advances in big-data technologies, computational linguistics and machine learning models have now made possible an automatic analysis of the financial news flow to compute sentiment indicators.
How to Use Sentiment Analysis
As discussed in literature value investors might use the sentiment analysis to establish what percentage of a company current value is caused by sentiment, and how much is based on real elements about the business itself. This may be of use to find companies that are cheap mainly due to very poor sentiment, or to exit companies that are becoming overpriced due to sentiment. Other investors may find it useful to track the sentiment of companies they follow as indicator that could be correlated to the price in the short term.
Brain Sentiment Indicator monitors public financial news for 10000+ global stocks, major commodities, forex and crypto from many thousands of financial media sources in 33 languages. An aggregation by sector is also available.
Free Trial
As a free trial, we provide historical data from 2016 for the covered assets.
Sentiment API
As additional service we also offer a sentiment API that takes a financial text as input and returns a sentiment score.